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Basic Tally Shortcut Keys You must know

Are you an accountant or the auditor who have to work on tally. I think you must at least know these basic shortcut keys. Do you think you know all these shortcut keys.. In the tally. Click the button below to view all shortcuts

Amendment To Income Tax Act By Finance Bill 2073 English Version

This articles contains the english version of ammendment to the Income Tax Act 2058 made by the finance bill 2073 - 2074.

Some change like exemption limit change and changes in penalty, rate of taxation change is made by the finance bill 2073

Amendment To Value Added Tax Act By Finance Bill 2073

Download Amendment To Value Added Tax Act By Finance Bill 2073

Ernst & Young Was Just Fined $9.3 Million for Inappropriate Client Relationships

Auditors got a little too close to clients. Public accounting firm Ernst & Young has agreed to pay $9.3 million to settle charges against three of the firm’s audit partners, the SEC announced Monday

Basics Steps in Capital Budgeting

Conceptually, the capital budgeting process involves different logical steps. Steps in capital can be described as

What is Credit Ratings of financial instrument?

Credit  rating  is,  essentially,  the  opinion of   the  credit  rating  agency  on   the relative  ability of   the  issuer  of   a   debt  instrument to  meet  the  debt  service obligations (about that particular debt) as and   when they arise. This opinion is given on  the basis of  past performance and   all  available  information (audited financial statements,  audit reports, information from management, banks and  FIs, industry trends  and   management  capabilities).  The  rating  is  for  a   particular instrument and  not for the company as a  whole, two debt instruments issued by one issuer may  have different ratings.

Why NPV Net Present Value is best method of Evaluating Projects

Why NPV is the best method of evaluating projects?
An investment project is attractive and should be pursued so long as the discounted net present value of cash inflows is greater than the discounted net present value of the  investment  requirement,  or  net  cash  outlay.

The 13 Biggest Financial Fraud from the Classic Age to the Moderns Times

If you think the biggest financial frauds occurs due to the modern technology and Classic age are free from the financial frauds you are wrong here are the Biggest 13 Fraud from the Classic Age (193 AD) to the modern era. 

Do you know the fraud of the 193 AD Amounted $1 Billion in todays money

Click on the link below to view all the 13 Frauds

Whether starting own firm or go to business is Capital Budgeting or Not

The decision to start your own firm and go into business can indeed be thought of as a capital budgeting decision.

Monetary policy 2073-2074

Download the monetary policy for the Fiscal year 2073 - 2074