Multiple Choice Question for Computer Operating System || 10

Read multiple choice questions for computer operator training as well as IT Training. Improve your computer skills.

91 The command used to create logical drive for specific location of disk
A. Fdisk
B. Format
C. Subst
D. All of the above
92 You can move a window to a different position on your screen by dragging it by its
A. Move handle
B. Tail
C. Status bar
D. Title bar
93 A bar that inform you the available options in your computer, opened applications, background running applications and can be used to switch between applications quickly is
A. Menu bar
B. Tool bar
C. Status bar
D. Task bar
94 Which components appear in the initial windows start up display?
A. Dialog box
B. Task bar
C. Start menu
D. All of the above
95 Taskbar is used for
A. Navigation program
B. Switching between program
C. Start a program
D. All of above
96 To install the new font
A. Start -> setting -> control panel -> font
B. Start -> setting -> control panel -> font -> install new font
C. Start -> control panel -> font -> install new font
D. Start -> setting -> font
97 When a peripheral device needs immediate attention from the operating system, it generates a(n)
A. Interrupt
B. Spool
C. Stack
D. Page file
98 Underlined text, such as text and folder names is referred to as
A. Hyperlink
B. Menu
C. Source drive
D. None of these
99 Which of the following is suitable after you install new drivers?
A. Shut Down
B. Restart
C. Sleep
D. Hibernate
100 Windows displays various options to shutdown. Which is suitable at the end of day?
A. Shut Down
B. Restart
C. Sleep
D. Hibernate