Accounting, Auditing Standards and Bare Acts
"Indian Auditing Standards" means those standards on auditing and guidelines and interpretations pertaining thereto as provided or recommended by the Standards on Auditing Board in order to systematize and regulate the accountancy and auditing.
Here you can download the Indian Auditing Standards .
"Accounting Standards" means those accounting standards and guidelines and interpretations pertaining thereto as provided or recommended by the Accounting Standards Board in order to systematize and regulate the accountancy and financial reports. Chartered Accountant Act 2053(1997)
Here you can download the Nepal Accounting Standards .
"Standards on Auditing" means those standards on auditing and guidelines and interpretations pertaining thereto as provided or recommended by the Standards on Auditing Board in order to systematize and regulate the accountancy and auditing. As defined in Chartered Accountant Act 2053(1997)
Here you can download the Nepal Standards on Auditing
ICAN has announced and issued the NFRS in compliance with IFRS which is applicable mandataraly for Banks and Listed companies from fical year commencing mid july 2015 and Fiscal year 2016-17 for all entities except SMEs
Here you can view all standards and download
Bare acts refers to the pure act issued by law commission without modification by the outsiders. Here is listed all business related bare acts and directives as well as other related Acts in your prefered language.