Download Finance Bill 2075-76 2018/2019

Download Finance Bill 2075-76 

Download Here Finance Bill 2076/77 2019/20 New

The government of Nepal has unveiled budget for the fiscal year2075-75 (2017-16). Along with this GON has released the finance Bill 2075-76 applicable the fiscal year 2075-76. Download the Finance Bill as PDF below is the Link For it. All amendment made to the Income Tax Act 2058 by the Finance Bill 2075-76 is in this File.

As well as amendment made to the bellow mention act is in the Finance Bill 2075-76

  1. Amendment made to the Income Tax act 2058 by the Finance Bill/Act 2075-76
  2. Amendment made to the Value Added Tax Act 2052 by the Finace Bill/Act 2075-76
  3. Amendment made to the Education Act by the Finance Bill 2075-76
  4. Amedment made to the Excise Duty Act by the Finance Bill/Act 2075-76

Arthik Bidheyak 2075-76 (अार्थीक वीधेयक २०७५।२०७६) 




File Size: 3153.32kb