Suggested Answer  For CAP I, CAP II and CAP III June 2016

Following are the Suggested Answer for CAP I of June 2016

  1. Fundamental of Accounting
  2. Commercial Mathematics
  3. Fundamental of Managemt
  4. Mercantile Laws
  5. Fundamental of Economics

Following are the Suggested Answers for CAP II of June 2016

  1. Advanced Accounting
  2. Corporate Laws
  3. Audit and Assurance
  4. Financial Management
  5. Cost Accounting
  6. Business Communication
  7. Marketing
  8. Income Tax and VAT

Following are the Suggested Answer For CAP III 

  1. Advanced Financial Reporting
  2. Corporate Laws
  3. Advanced Audit and Assurance
  4. Advanced Cost and Manafement Accounting
  5. Advanced Financial Management
  6. Management Information and Control System
  7. Strategic Management and Decision Making Analysis
  8. Advanced Taxatioin
