Financial News and Updates || AUDITNCA

25-year-old Shanghai PricewaterhouseCoopers employee worked to death

25-year-old auditor working for PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in Shanghai complained of flu-like symptoms on March 31, and ten days later she was dead. The event has sparked enormous controversy online -- news of her death has been forwarded on Sina Weibo 

Thousand of Tax Payer are at Risk after HMRC failing to patch the errors in the computer software

Thousands of people are at risk of paying too much tax next year because computer software is struggling to keep up with 'horrendously complicated' changes to the taxation of dividends.

Experts have said people could end up paying hundreds of pounds too much due to errors in the software used to calculate tax for the 2016-17 tax year, The Financial Times reports.

DoodhSagar: Gujarat High Court dismissed a petition filed by Mehsana Dairy Union

The Gujarat High Court not only dismissed a petition filed by Mehsana Dairy Union on the issue of special audit but also observed that the total scam or fraud may be quite more than Rs 717 crore.

Readers would recall Mehsana District Cooperative Milk Producers’ Union had filed a petition seeking quashing of an order of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies ....

Christine Crowley  (Pharmacist) Jailed for Six Month on Fraud of €70,000

A pharmacist has been sentneced for 2.5 Years, after she pleaded guilty to 21 counts of theft and fraud where she stole some €70,000 from the HSE in an elaborate scheme involving falsifying drug payment scheme claims.